XI конференция Европейской шекспировской исследовательской ассоциации «Шекспир и европейские регионы: центральные и иные места»

Борис Николаевич Гайдин, Николай Владимирович Захаров, Мария Владимировна Маркова, Иван Анатольевич Рыбко, Наталия Сергеевна Шабалина


В статье представлен обзор работы XI Международной научной конференции Европейской шекспировской исследовательской ассоциации «Шек­спир и европейские регионы: центральные и иные места» (“Shakespeare and European Geographies: Centralities and Elsewheres”), которая проходила 9–12 июля 2019 г. в Третьем римском университете (Италия) и стала рекордной по числу участников из России.

Ключевые слова

Европейская шекспировская исследовательская ассоциация; У. Шекспир; Шекспир в Европе; Шекспир в России; Шекспир в СССР; Шекспир в европейской культуре; Шекспир в русской культуре; шекспироведение; шекспировские конференции

Полный текст:



Гайдин, Б. Н. (2018) У. Шекспир в тезаурусе Ю. О. Домбровского [Электронный ресурс] // Горизонты гуманитарного знания. № 4. С. 27–58. URL: http://journals.mosgu.ru/ggz/article/view/845 (дата обращения: 20.10.2019). DOI: 10.17805/ggz.2018.4.3

Густав Шпет и шекспировский круг. Письма, документы, переводы (2013) / отв. ред.-сост., предисл., комм, археогр. работа и реконструкция Т. Г. Щедриной. М. ; СПб. : Петроглиф. 760 с. («Российские Пропилеи»).

Лисович, И. И. (2015) VIII конференция Европейской шекспировской исследовательской ассоциации «Европа Шекспира: Шекспир(ы) Европы» [Электронный ресурс] // Научные труды Московского гуманитарного университета. № 4. С. 109–117. URL: http://journals.mosgu.ru/trudy/article/view/58 (дата обращения: 15.10.2019). DOI: 10.17805/trudy.2015.4.14

X конференция Европейской шекспировской исследовательской ассоциации «Шекспир и европейские театральные культуры: (ан)атомизация текста и сцены» (2017) / подг. Б. Н. Гайдин [Электронный ресурс] // Информационно-исследовательская база данных «Современники Шекспира». 14 августа. URL: http://www.around-shake.ru/news/5085.htm [архивировано в WaybackMachine] (дата обращения: 15.10.2019).

Ali, A., Wolfert, S., Homer, B. D. (2019) In the service of science: Veteran-led research in the investigation of a theatre-based posttraumatic stress disorder treatment // Journal of Humanistic Psychology. OnlineFirst. DOI: 10.1177/0022167819839907

Almási, Z. (2019) ‘A speech of some dozen or sixteen lines, which I would set down and insert in’t’: Insertions in playtexts as a mode of appropriating Shakespeare in Hungary // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 144.

Artemjeva, L. (2019) The Shakespeare authorship question in modern Russian detective novels // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 153.

Assay, M. (2019) Hamlet’s operatic afterlife: Between individuality and political allegory // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 160.

Bartoshevich, A. (2019) Russian Shakespeare’s after the jubilee // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 149.

Bermudez Brataas, D. (2019) The shadow’s shadow, or gendered ambition in Asta Nielsen’s 1921 “Hamlet” // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 98. Issue 1. P. 3–21. DOI: 10.1177/0184767818813001

Cetera-Włodarczyk, A. (2019) Peering into the crystal orbs: Shakespeare’s imagery and the disseminations of new astronomical ideas in the early modern London // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 38.

Cetera-Włodarczyk, A. et al. (2019) National e-resources of Shakespeare translations in Europe: (Dis)assembling the black box / A. Cetera-Włodarczyk, J. Tronch, P. Drábek, B. Gaydin, V. Makarov, B. Montorfano, S. Soncini, N. Zakharov // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 89–101. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819835567

Cordier, M. (2019) Of whales and men: An ecocritical approach to William Shakespeare’s “Pericles” (act 2, scene 1) // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 36.

Croteau, M. (2019) “Le Songe d’une nuit d’été” of Ambroise Thomas: “L’éclat” at the end of the tunnel // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 66–75. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819861890

Dailey, J. S. (2019) Music in Victorian Shakespeare productions and Arthur Sullivan // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 161.

Dionisio, F. (2019) Shakespeare’s imperfect ‘art of navigation’ // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 84.

Drábek, P. (2019) Shakespeare’s myriad-minded stage: Propositional spaces of cultural hybridity // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 45–55. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819835551

Equestri, A. (2019) ‘This cold night will turn us all to fools and madmen’: Feste, Lear’s Fool and the border between ‘idiocy’ and mental illness // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 23–32. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819835561

ESRA conferences (б/д) [Электронный ресурс] // European Shakespeare Research Association (ESRA). URL: https://www.um.es/shakespeare/esra/conferences/ [архивировано в WaybackMachine] (дата обращения: 15.10.2019).

Eubanks Winkler, A. (2019) ‘Let’s have a dance’: Musical Shakespeare in Restoration London // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 158.

Fabiszak, J. (2019) Afterword: Shakespeare theorised and practised // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 193–195. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819850753

Földváry, K. (2019) Trendy or topical? Sexual politics and panopticism in the 2016 BBC “Midsummer Night’s Dream” // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 137–146. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819835553

Francis, B. (2019) ‘If it’s good enough for Shakespeare, it’s good enough for us’: Highbrows, lowbrows and the Broadway musical // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 157.

Gaydin, B. (2019) Shakespeare in Yuri Dombrovsky’s works // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 151.

Goy-Blanquet, D. (2019) Shakespeare and the shape of the world // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 40.

Graham, M. (2019) God and friendship in Stephen Oliver’s “Timon of Athens” // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 159.

Greenblatt, S. (2018) Tyrant: Shakespeare on politics. N. Y. ; L. : W. W. Norton & Company. 212 p.

Grzegorzewska, M. (2019) Shakespeare’s curtain: The stage revealed or the stage re-veiled? // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 13–22. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819835557

Hampton-Reeves, S. (2019) Such sweet thunder: Shakespeare’s afterlives in jazz // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 167.

Havlíčková Kysová, Š. (2019) Space for performing dynamics of power: Scenography for Verdi’s “Macbeth” in the Czech Republic after 2000 // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 166.

Henderson, D. E. (2019) ‘Hard hearts’ resounding now: Anatomising race, resistance, and community in “The Merchant in Venice” (2016) and “Julius Caesar” (2017) // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 173–192. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819851076

Hillman, R. (2019) Staging romance across the Channel: French–English exchanges and generic common ground // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 33–44. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819835566

Hoenselaars, T. (2015) Europe // The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare / ed. by M. Dobson, S. Wells, W. Sharpe, E. Sullivan. 2nd edn. Oxford : Oxford University Press. xxix, 574 p. P. 111.

Huertas Martín, V. (2019) “Theatrum Mundi” and site in four television Shakespeare films // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 76–88. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819837548

Iyengar, S., Feracho, L. (2019) “Hamlet” (RSC, 2016) and representations of diasporic blackness // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 147–160. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819837738

Izmir, S. (2019) Shakespeare the ecopsychologist: “King Lear” and “Macbeth” // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 89.

Jaworska, A. (2019) Polish Shakespeare studies and the double totalitarian crisis: The case of Władysław Hubert Tarnawski (1885–1951) // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 148.

Kaczyński, D. (2019) Stormy waters of death in “Twelfth Night” and “The Tempest” // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 86.

Kapitaniak, P., Sakowska, A. (2019) Shakespeare and European theatrical cultures — circulations, hybridisations, and negotiations // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 6–12. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819850649

Khomenko, N. (2019) ‘Whose grave’s this, sirrah?’: Socialist realism and Shakespeare’s alter egos // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 142.

Kucab, M. (2019) Passion and imagination. Aquatic space in “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 83.

Lawrence, J. (2019) ‘What country, friends, is this?’: Displaced identity and homoerotic desire in “Twelfth Night” and its sources // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 28.

Leboeuf, P. (2019) A shipwreck with no ship and no sea: Craig’s ideas on “The Tempest” I, 1 // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 81.

Lemercier-Goddard, S. (2019) Mapping the north in Shakespeare’s plays and poems // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 34.

Lichterfeld, I. (2019) Mapping “King Lear”: Seeing and understanding chaos // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 33.

Limon, J. (2019) Foreword: If it’s Shakespeare, we are in Gdańsk // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 3–5. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819851743

Lowe McAdams, A. (2019) Toward a blue gender studies: The sea, Diana, and feminine virtue in “Pericles” // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 88.

Makarov, V. (2019) Teaching Shakespeare in Soviet Russia: A. A. Smirnov and the St. Petersburg academic culture // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 152.

Markova, M. (2019) ‘Trip no further, pretty sweeting’: Routes of sea, routes of love in “Twelfth Night” // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 77.

Márkus, Z. (2019) Historicising appropriability: Hybrid Shakespeare and the challenges of history // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 56–65. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819841064

Misterova, I. (2019) A scout, a punk rocker, or an emo? Hamlet in modern Czech culture // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 143.

Mitsi, E. (2019a) Locating “Richard II” in contemporary Athens // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 113–124. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819835554

Mitsi, E. (2019b) The travails of “The Comedy of Errors” in Athens // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 87.

Monah, D. (2019) Metatheatrical storms in Georges Lavaudant’s “Une Tempête” (MC 93 Bobigny, 2010) and Oskaras Korsunovas’s “Miranda” (OKT/Vilnius City Theatre, 2011) // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 82.

Nicolaescu, M. (2019a) “Othello” on socialist radio — the Romanian case // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 147.

Nicolaescu, M. (2019b) Translating “Troilus and Cressida” for an iconoclastic socialist production // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 102–112. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819835549

Oncins-Martinez, J. L. (2019) News/tidings, tears, and water: Speech metaphors, emotions and the giving and receiving of news in Shakespeare’s plays // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 79.

Organisation (б/д) [Электронный ресурс] // European Shakespeare Research Association (ESRA). URL: https://www.um.es/shakespeare/esra/who.php [архивировано в WaybackMachine] (дата обращения: 15.10.2019).

Preedy, C. K. (2019) A change of air: Travel and spiritual transformation in Shakespeare’s drama // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 30.

Prozorova, N. (2019) Gustav Shpet and ‘Soviet Shakespeare’ // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 146.

Publicover, L. (2019) "Hamlet"’s vertical axis // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 31.

Raber, K. (2019) "Midsummer"’s hounds, ecology, and the order of things // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 35.

Reuss, G. (2019) Storm in a tea cup?! Cries and whispers in a 2018 puppet performance of “The Tempest” // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 85.

Rivier-Arnaud, E. (2019) Doran’s and Taymor’s “Tempest”: Digitalizing the storm, a dialogue between theatre and cinema // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 78.

Rybko, I. (2019) On the exploration of dream cosmoses in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 37.

Savchenko, M. (2019) Complete works of Shakespeare in Soviet Russia: Editorial landmarks // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 145.

Schwartz-Gastine, I. (2019) Pascal Rambert’s “Antony and Cleopatra” (1995): Deep in love and in water // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 80.

Shabalina, N. (2019) Reflections on “Hamlet” in the Russian ballet art // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 164.

Simari, A. (2019) Performing silence as political resistance: Audience interaction and spatial politics in Thomas Ostermeier’s “Richard III” // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 125–136. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819837720

Stanton, K. (2019) ‘Untune that string’: String theory and the music of the spheres in Shakespeare // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 29.

Stephan Wolfert: US Army Veteran, actor, and founder of DE-CRUIT (б/д) : [podcast] [Электронный ресурс] // The National Endowment for the Arts. URL: https://www.arts.gov/audio/stephan-wolfert [архивировано в WaybackMachine] (дата обращения: 15.10.2019).

Walkling, S. V. (2019) Ophelia’s terror: Anatomising the figure of the female suicide bomber in “The Al-Hamlet Summit” // Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. Vol. 99. No. 1. P. 161–172. DOI: 10.1177/0184767819836437

Wilson, J. R. (2019) Ophelia’s songs: Moral agency, manipulation, and the metaphor of music in “Hamlet” // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 162.

Wong, K. (2019) RSC “Twelfth Night” in Chinese: A case study of musical response to Shakespeare in contemporary China // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 165.

Zakharov, N. (2019a) Shakespeare in Russian political discourse // Shakespeare and European geographies: Centralities and elsewheres : Book of abstracts. 2019 ESRA Conference, European Shakespeare Research Association, 9–12 July 2019, Roma Tre University. Rome. Р. 150.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17805/ggz.2019.6.7


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